Dressage & Equitation Clinic- GIEC (QLD)
Something different! Beside all the equine nutrition, pasture and property workshops we are also hosting a Dressage & Equitation clinic in February (Wed/Thur 20-21) at the Gatton Indoor Equestrian Centre (Gatton QLD).
The clinic is open for anybody that would like to improve their seat, posture and effect of aids.
An integrated approach using classical, balanced riding, biomechnics and evidence-based training principles.
WHEN: Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st of February 2013
WHERE: Gatton Indoor Equestrian Centre- Gatton QLD
To nominate for the clinic email Fiona Edwards, fiona@diamondvalestud.com.au or call 04 07 586 540
Individual lessons (50 β 60 min) β cost lessons per day $100.00.
Prices include the hire of the arena (per person/per day).
Possibility to camp at the facility, additional fee of $20.00 per stable. Riders that book 2 days will have precedence. These clinics often have wait-lists, so Pre-payment is required to hold your spot.
For more information about the Camping facilities at Gatton Equestrian Centre contact Fiona.
Dressage Riders & Safety helmets
The FEI Dressage Committee strongly recommends that all riders should wear properly fastened safety helmets when training and in pre-competition warm-ups at all international Dressage shows.
Riders still have the choice of wearing protective headgear in the competition arena. However, there is a movement happening in the dressage top and we see more elite riders with safety helmets during their GP dressage test (like on the last London Olympics).
In Europe there was up till a few years a very loose policy when it came to riding with helmets (maybe still in some countries – I can only speak of my experiences in Holland and Germany). It was advocated in the riding schools, but once riders started to ride at private training stables and/or at home and they entered a certain level we kind of left the helmet on the bench (including myself!). However also in Europe we see more dressage riders with helmets in their training and competition arena. Now I would not think twice about wearing a helmet! It’s a must – as horse riding (even at top level) is and remains a dangerous sport ( we work with flight animals! they can do “horse” things at any time!).
Because I support this movement and would like to set a good example π I also made my “Logo” Rider wear a safety helmet!
For more information about the importance of wearing helmets:
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